5 Truths About Relationships You Should Know Before Saying I Do - Welcome To Camzzy's Blog

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

5 Truths About Relationships You Should Know Before Saying I Do

Marriage is not child’s play, its a lifetime commitment. You can drive yourself crazy deciding whether to marry your partner or not. Can you two really survive a lifetime together? Contrary to what fairy tales may tell you, relationships take a lot of work.

 So here are 5 facts about relationships you ought to know before saying I do
1. Being Best Friends With Your Partner Leads To A Happier Marriage
According to a 2014 National Bureau of Economic Research study, couples who are best friends have the happiest marriages. The study found that couples are more satisfied with their marriage and life in general when they have a close friendship with their spouse.
2. You Are More Likely To End Up In Divorce If You Marry Before You Are 23
According to a 2014 University of Pennsylvania study, people who get married at age 18 have a 60% divorce rate and it drops to 30% when people wait until they are age 23. According to the study, people who married younger were more likely to divorce because they are not mature enough to pick right partners and handle the workload of marriage.
3. The Closer The Age Of Couples, The Less Likely They Are To Get Divorced
According to an American study of about 3,000 people, the lesser the age difference between couples, the less likely they are to divorce. The study revealed couples with a one-year difference in age are 3% more likely to divorce. Couples with a five-year difference in age are 18% more likely to divorce while couples with a 10-year age difference are 39% more likely to divorce.
4. The Honeymoon Phase Doesn’t Last Forever
The honeymoon phase in a relationship is characterized by high levels of passionate love and intense feelings of attraction and according to a 2005 study from the University of Pavia, Italy, the honeymoon phase in relationships lasts about a year.
5. Couples Who Celebrate Each Other’s Good News Have Better Relationships
According to various studies, couples who celebrate their partner’s good news (rather than dismiss it) have better relationships. This keeps them happy together because they have seen each other as one, so celebrating their partners good news or achievement is like celebrating their individual achievement .